Tuesday, August 31, 2010

First Post

This is my first foray into the world of web design and blogging (though I do read a TON of blogs) so please excuse the lame design at first. I'm working on learning all the tricks to make this blog standout. 

After my typography class, and perhaps all my life, I've enjoyed looking at type. I enjoy using different styles for different projects and especially like hand-rendered type. I found this artist out in the blog world who uses type to create some interesting art pieces. 

This piece for example uses lines from Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet to create a unique arrangement. 

This is a closeup on the same piece. You can see how much detail and time he must put into these projects. He hand cuts all the words out of each book and arranges them in these intricate collages. 

For more info on Sam Winston check out his website: www.samwinston.com